Body Heat

By: Adam Mann

Genres: #Adventure #Erotica #Romance


Jennifer, an accountant in Thailand, watches a television programm about two strangers, a man and woman, who spend twenty one days in a remote area with only a machete and a flint between them. They have no clothes, food or water but have to survive. They build their shelter, find food and water.

Jennifer lives in Bangkok and gets cross when the man on the TV programm who stupidly refuses to work in cooperation with the woman!

She challenges some of her friends on the social media network, determined that she could to a better job than either of the contestants, and her challenge is accepted by a farmer, Charles, living near in East London in South Africa.

They see what each other looks like from the photos on Twitter, and they exchange backgrounds. They start planning their adventure, and try their hardest not to cheat, but they have no back-up team and have to organize everything themselves, and initially without their families knowing.

She has just recovered from a divorce, and he is single, and they chose a remote area in the highlands between Thailand and Laos.

The remote area randomly chosen by them does provide them with a small stream and a variety of plants and vegetables. Charlie manages to catch a fish and they both use the local resources based on their life experiences, but neither is a survival specialist.

It is fortunate that they liked one another, but the trouble starts as they begin to fall in love.

Author's Bio:

I've written twenty four romance books all based in parts of the world where I've lived and worked. As a result five are in sub-Saharan Africa, eleven are in South or East Asia, and only seven based in the UK. One is still in draft form.
I've been married four times, my first wife died, the second divorced me, the third marriage was annulled as that wife had forgotten to get divorced, and thank goodness the fourth wife is fit and well. We have between us seven children and four grandchildren. As a result I think that I know a bit about life and loving.
I've lived and worked in Vietnam since 1997, where I live in a provincial city with my wife, and we have constant stream of visitors from the families of our seven adult children.

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