She hates her piercings and her tattoos and her short blue hair. She hates the way she walks and the freewheeling way she lives her life. Most of all, she hates the way she smiles at her in the halls. It's like Leticia knows what Abby's thinking, like she can feel what Abby feels every time she brings home a new girlfriend. Abby's certainly not jealous of the sexy, smirking, blue-haired weirdo...
Abby wishes she could just ignore her nasty futa neighbor. Unfortunately, she's still the best lay Abby's ever had!
This erotic tale is 12,000 words and for readers 18 and up
Author's Bio:
Veronica Sloan writes very dirty stories. Her erotica is explicit and steamy, and no topic is too taboo. A Chicago girl at heart, Veronica graduated from the Columbia School of Journalism with every intention of writing very important things about very important people. Currently, she spends her days writing about pop culture and her nights writing about lusty young men and their naughty predilections. She loves big dogs, hot yoga and songs that are stupidly catchy.
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