That was enough to get him a job with the city and his own office. He didn’t pay enough attention to his wife while he took good care of the boss. Candy was beautiful, naïve, and innocent. Her libido was raging, and she needed her husband and then she met a blue-eyed, handsome Russian. Things were going well with Doug, handling the contracts for the city, until something went wrong, and he was faced with a choice. Let the mobster Vladimir have his wife until the problem was fixed, or else. Doug didn’t like to think about the ‘or else.’ It would hurt and it would be permanent. These guys didn’t mess around. But before he could decide, Candy had decided for him. “Please don’t hurt my husband. We’ll do anything you want. I’ll go with you.” What did they do to Candy? Was Doug able to rescue her or would she go to work in the mob owned whorehouse?
KINKY SONNET FOR Thomas Roberts’ ‘Used And Abused By The Mob’
Thomas Roberts what have you done?
Writing a hotwife story that’s so much fun
It’s written through the eyes of Vlad, Candy and her husband Doug
And if I was the latter two, I wouldn’t be too smug
Doug screws up and it involves the mob
And the options they give makes him want to sob
But alas there’s one that’ll save his life
To Vlad and his friends, just give up his wife
The thing is that cuckold Doug thinks that’s not so bad
And Candy’s been thinking Vlad’s one hot lad
And so off she goes with the mob’s bad boy
Agreeing to be his new hot toy
Hmm, did they bite off more than they can chew?
Buy this sizzling book and you’ll know too!
Written by Kinky Richie from Kinky Literature; May 13, 2020
Author's Bio:
Thomas Roberts always enjoyed reading but it wasn't until the birth of the Internet that he discovered hot wife stories. At first, they were only on sites like Literotica, and Alt.Sex.Stories. He would read them all. He also discovered BDSM stories, although he was never interested in the truly hardcore BDSM, but if it had to do with a hot wife or cuckold, count him in.
Roberts wrote his first short story for publication in 2005 on both of these sites. He was hooked and some twenty or thirty short stories later, he decided to try writing longer, more polished versions in the same genre. The first short stories he wrote were pretty rough, both in the rough sex sense and in the style of writing. He got better, but life got in the way of making the next step to a longer book.
The first really good hot wife book he read was on a Kindle. It was so good, so hot, that he had to stop every few pages, put the machine down and go do something else for a while. He knew that the hot wife genre pushed all his buttons, but it wasn't until then that he realized how excited they could make him. If they could affect him that way, maybe he could write longer stories that had the same effect on other people. Maybe, instead of the pretty much straight sex of the short story, he could explore the lives of the people more fully. He still reads everything published by that first author and feels he owes him a real debt of gratitude.
Roberts and his wife live pretty simple lives. She fully supports what he does and, when she has time, proof reads for him. That exercise usually ends very well for him.
They have separate careers, and both own their own businesses. This has the odd effect of giving him time to write and not giving her a spare minute.
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